
Sabtu, 23 Juni 2012

Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb The Juries whom I Respect The Audiencies of RALITA FM First of all lets dedicare our prest to Allah the mous gresius the mous mercipule hwo has bin blazing ask so we can do everting better Secondly, May Sholawat and salam Be with our prophet Muhammad peace be upon him. Thirdly, I want to thank to Mr.Chairman having provided me good oppontunity to deliver my speech under the title “ HOW TO BE A SUCCESFUL STUDENT “ The Honorable Juries, Ladies and gentle men. There is no student who doesn’t want to be succesful and get promotion at The end of school year. Succes is expected by all people including student for The sake of a better future. Studying hard is a must for student’s who want to succeed.some steps of studying that may help them are frist, a atudent has to study continually whether he or she has a test. By using Their time as effectively as possible. second, a strong will to study hard from him self is every thing. It will come true if studying is a basic need. Third, what are mentioned a bove will not guarantee the students to achieve the best Result but they have to read a lot, do the assagn ments and have initiative to do exercise by them selves. Honoreble Juries, and audiencies of Ralita FM. Those are some steps to be succes students. That I can deliver to you.may Allah give me apportunity to be a good student by juining this program. Thank you for your attention and I take apolugize for my mistake and the last I say. Wassalamualaikum Wr. Wb Pamekasan, 24 – Mei - 2007

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